How to Cancel Albert Genius

On your device

  1. Log in to Albert
  2. At the bottom locate the profile tab
  3. Tap on “Help”
  4. Find “Contact Support” and click on it
  5. Send “Cancel Genius”
  6. Confirm

Does Albert Genius Offer a Refund?

It depends. If you subscribe to an annual plan and decide to cancel a month after signing up, you will not incur any charges for the cancellation. However, you will only receive a prorated refund if it has been more than a month after your subscription. Unfortunately, there are no refunds for subscribers on the monthly plan.

Albert Genius Support Number

You can reach Albert Genius support at 639-37, send them a message at support@albert.lcom or call them at (844) 891-9309

How to Withdraw Your Money After Canceling

  1. Log in to your Albert Genius account
  2. Go to the profile tab and click on it
  3. Choose the “Transfer Money” option
  4. Choose cash and your external bank account
  5. Enter the amount
  6. Click “Transfer”

On submitting the transfer, it could take between two and three business days to complete. Note that if you have any pending transactions, you will have to wait until they settle to withdraw your funds.

How to Delete Your Albert Genius Account

  1. Open the app on your mobile device or your browser
  2. At the lower right, click on the Profile Icon
  3. Find “Help” and click on it
  4. Tap on “Help Center”
  5. Find “Delete Albert Account” to delete your account permanently

Alternatively, you can delete your account by emailing the company and requesting them to delete or remove your account from their database. If you choose this, here is how to go about it:

  1. Log into your email account- the account you used to register or open your Albert Genius account
  2. Create an email with the subject “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT” and address it to
  3. In the body of the email, ask the support team to delete your account, remove it from the database and erase all your information.

How to Close Your Albert Genius Account

  1. Log into your account
  2. Go to your “Profile” tab
  3. At the top left, tap on the menu
  4. Go to the Help Center
  5. Choose the “Close my Albert Account”

How to Cancel Your Albert PayPal Subscription

  1. Go to the PayPal website and log into your account
  2. Next to the logout option, there is a settings tab; select it
  3. Press on the “Payments” option
  4. Click “Manage automatic payments.”
  5. A list of several merchant deals will pop up. Find “Albert Corporation” or “Albert: Banking on You” from the list
  6. You will be asked to confirm
  7. Click on “Cancel automatic payments.”
  8. Click “Done”

Why Cancel Albert Genius Subscription?

One of the major downsides of Albert Genius is that there are no retirement investment options. Their guidance is only limited to taxable investment accounts. Therefore, it could not be the best option if you want to save for retirement.

The subscription fee for Albert Genius is at least $8, which is expensive and could slowly drain you, especially if you are not investing a lot or if you don’t use all the app’s features. You are also restricted to investing in ETFs and stocks only.

Albert Genius Monthly Fee

There is a monthly and annual subscription options. When you sign up, you can pay the $8 minimum monthly or more for the yearly package.

Losing Money?                        

Your savings in an Albert Genius account is safe as they hold their savings in FDIC-insured banks although

Can I Pause Albert’s Genius Account?

You can only pause your individual savings goal or all your savings goals by:

  1. Logging into the app or website
  2. Click on “Savings”
  3. Tap on the savings goals
  4. Go to “Utilities”
  5. Pause the goal